With winter on the horizon, homeowners who live in Southern Maryland with harsh winters are preparing their homes for a season spent largely indoors. Unlike the other seasons of the year, when homeowners can comfortably air out their homes by opening windows, winter offers no such opportunities to let nature improve indoor air quality.
Such a reality can make a home uncomfortable as winter drags on. But that discomfort pales in comparison to the health risks presented by poor indoor air quality. Radon, volatile chemicals from fragrances used in conventional cleaners and lead from house dust are just a few of the many sources of indoor air pollution commonly found in homes, and these pollutants can be especially harmful in winter, when many people spend more time indoors thanks to harsh weather. But while you might not be able to change the weather so you can open windows in the wintertime, you can take steps to improve indoor air quality in your home.
As winter gets set to return, homeowners can employ several simple strategies to improve indoor air quality in their homes.
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Description: SJ Johnson, Inc services Southern Maryland with heating oil installation and delivery, propane tank installation and delivery,
on demand hot water heaters installation, HVAC installation and repairs, mini splits installed and repairs, heating and air Conditioning services, swimming pool water delivery, sand delivery, and more comforts for your home or business.
SJ Johnson service areas; Calvert County, St. Mary's County, Charles County, Prince Georges County, Anne Arundel County and more throughout Maryland.