Efficient operations of a ventless gas fireplace can be expected only by regular maintenance of a fireplace. You should have a certified chimney sweep inspect and clean the chimney as and when necessary. It is a good idea to learn how to inspect it on your own as well and keep checks at regular intervals. The chimney, of a gas fireplace, should be checked at least once a year or after approximately eighty fires. A chimney brush can be used to keep the chimney free from any build-up.
There is a good amount of precautionary measures which should be taken during the inspection and cleaning process of a fireplace. Make sure that all gas fireplace fittings are tightened securely. Be sure to extinguish the fire entirely before cleaning. Make sure the chimney is cold.
Glass doors may produce tough stains from flames and heat. These stains can be cleaned by using a glass cleaner available at gas fireplace stores. In order to shine brass fireplace utensils and fittings, Worcestershire sauce and a toothbrush may be used. The firebox should be cleaned regularly.
An exterior slate hearth can be made to shine by washing, drying and coating it with lemon oil while exterior brick hearths can be cleaned by making use of a brick cleaner available at a gas fireplace shop.
A chimney cap should be used to prevent damage due to water, nesting of birds and carbon monoxide entering the house.
When you need a professional to clean your gas fireplace call the experts at SJ Johnson Company.
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