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Don't fill your pool from a garden hose

Don't fill a pool with water in Southern MD from a Garden Hose.

pool filled with water in Southern MD

If you live in Southern MD, swimming pools are a wonderful way to stay cool and refreshed during hot summer months. However, filling your pool from your garden hose may not be the best idea. In this article, we will explore why you shouldn't fill your pool from your garden hose.

Firstly, the water from a garden hose is not always clean and may contain harmful chemicals. The water can contain traces of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals that may not be safe for swimming. In addition, the piping system that connects the hose to your house can be rusty and dirty, making the water unsuitable for pools.

Secondly, filling your pool with a garden hose can increase your water bill significantly. If you're located in Southern MD you've probably noticed rising water bills so this is pretty important. The average swimming pool needs up to 20,000 to 30,000 gallons of water to fill, which can result in a substantial increase in your monthly water bill. In addition, hoses have a lower flow rate compared to specialized pool-filler trucks, which prolongs the filling process and adds additional costs to your utility bill.

Thirdly, garden hoses are not equipped to handle the volume of water needed to fill a pool efficiently. This can stretch the hose, increasing the risk of bursting, and potentially flooding your home. Bursting hoses can also damage your pool's infrastructure, leading to expensive pool maintenance and repairs.

Lastly, water from a garden hose is not treated or filtered, unlike water from a pool water delivery service, like that offered at SJ Johnson Company. This means that your pool will not only have a chemical imbalance but also debris, leaves, and dirt particles from the garden hose. Adding the chemicals needed to treat the water can sometimes be challenging, and it is easier to use specialized pool water services that understand the needs of pool owners.

In conclusion, filling your pool with a garden hose may seem like a simple solution. However, it's not the most sustainable and safe option. Be sure to consider using the services of specialized pool water delivery trucks that are equipped to deliver filtered and treated water at the correct water pH levels. Not only will it ensure your pool is cleaner and safer to swim in, but also the process will save you time and money.

Check out more of pool water delivery services.

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